
They say sharing is caring.

Thus, I herewith share with you some of my thoughts,
reflections, experiences and others in this
crazy journey we call life.

It acts partly as a blog for myself and partly as a way to share knowledge with others.

Some of you might relate, and some of you might not.
Either way, it could act as a little dose of inspiration or a source of entertainment only.

Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

looking back at 2024

2024 was a year full of challenges, roadblocks, rediscovery, and, most importantly, (re)construction—of a new home, new realities, projects, visions, and relationships. Here is a little retrospective of what the year brought with it.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

You never know what someone else is going through

I feel like we’re constantly caught in rushed routines—at least I was throughout the past year—where speed, multitasking, and busyness seem to be accepted, promoted, or even celebrated. A “forced retreat” has taught me otherwise.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

About Death

Death is often regarded as a taboo—heavy, delicate, and tied to emotions of loss and emptiness. But my experience in Bali during the summer of 2023, when an injury redirected my plans from freediving to cultural exploration, showed me a different perspective.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

Protect our Glaciers at CERVO

Last week, eight images from the project Protect our Glaciers were installed in five rooms of the breathtaking CERVO Moutain Resort. The images were created to raise awareness about melting glaciers and raise funds for POW.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

NYC - revisiting the Big Apple

After 12 years without visiting the city, I finally had a chance to come back to NYC and re-live this inspiring hub of creation. Here are a few of my impressions and thoughts gathered during my stay.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

I’m (not) an artist

In Switzerland, if you didn't study it, you are not considered part of the group of artists. What if you know the theory but can't practice it or put it into expression?

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

summer within

In Switzerland, if you didn't study it, you are not considered part of the group of artists. You will only be considered in such applications if you own a diploma. What if you know the theory but can't practice it or put it into expression? Are you still considered an artist?

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

the creative process

A creative process cannot be forced, and various factors influence it. If more space were given to each individual's creative process, how would the corporate world look?

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

from a nomad to a "normal" life

After 3,5 years without a fixed home and living a nomad life, in constant movement, between living in Hotels and housesitting, it is time again to start a new reality. A shift in the way of living and working.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

my biggest learning: unlearning

Recently, at a social gathering, while explaining my career path (and thus also my entire lifestyle) over the last few years, someone asked: What was your most significant takeaway throughout this process? I had to ponder on that one. My answer eventually came quite clearly: the learnings and (mainly) unlearnings this journey has brought.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

New Year's Eve

These "milestone" days (such as also Christmas, Birthdays, etc.) are usually expected to be spent accompanied by others - be it a partner, friends and/or family (or in the "best cases" a combination of all). This year was at least the 3rd time I chose to spend NYE alone. Yes, it was a choice.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

looking back at 2023

Yet another year is coming to an end. And what a year. Here is a little retrospective of what has been in chronological order with some highlights. It all started in Brazil, and I was unsure where the journey would lead me. I couldn't have wished for a better one.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

All artists are entrepreneurs. All entrepreneurs are artists.

They share the courage to embrace the unknown, the resilience to weather storms, and the vision to manifest something from nothing. The canvas may differ—whether it be a blank page, a stage, a studio, or a boardroom—but the underlying principles of creation remain constant.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak


inside, the turmoil is real. And the more aware one is of these transformations, the more interesting it gets. The growing potential is limitless. With this start of a new week, and soon also the start of a new month, I, too, am stepping into a fresh beginning. 

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

"what's your highlight?"

In the evenings, we often sit at the table together to enjoy dinner, and that's usually when my 4-year-old nephew looks you in the eye with his blue rounded eyes and pops the question full of curiosity: "What's your highlight?" (with a very Australian accent). 

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

where are you from?

Especially when travelling, it is one of the first questions you ask or are asked - a question that might seem straightforward for many, but it is far from it for me. It is a complex question, and the ones asking probably don’t realise all the thoughts that go through my mind when it pops.

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Maja Juzwiak Maja Juzwiak

places of transformation

You'll find yourself again in places you've been before, in a similar situation you've experienced at another time of your life, but not entirely. Places of transformation - geographical locations pivotal for developing the next version of myself.

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