Releasing the Stuckness

Do you know those moments in your life when you get stuck? Be it literally or figuratively. Physically or mentally.

Those moments where the first thought that pops up your mind is "Fuck (pardon my wording), how will I ever get out of this?" - that brief moment (sometimes also a feeling of eternity) where that light at the end of the tunnel seems to be missing. We've all been there in one way or another... Getting stuck in a narrow place, being lost without knowing which path to choose (be it during a hike or in a period of your life), having to deliver a project with unrealistic timings or not knowing how to act in particular situations (that little freeze or brain fart, where all your neurones seem to have left for a long walk). It can be a daunting moment, sometimes lasting only brief seconds, sometimes a few days or even up to years.

Wanna know the positive side of these moments of despair? The more you experience such situations, the more resilience strength you gain, and the easier it becomes to fall and stand up again. The awareness that everything you go through is temporary and nothing lasts forever might seem a cliche, but can help you go through those tough periods. If you convert the difficulties into challenges and make a game out of it, where the learnings are the prize to win, situations like these will start becoming a type of entertainment. You will find yourself laughing at circumstances that only a few will understand.

The laughing might sometimes come only at a later stage, since at the moment of the happening, emotions and feelings take over (or your neurons really just went for a long walk), and that's also completely normal. But how much fun would it be to start viewing every difficulty with a smile and start enjoying every little process of the game?

Just a little midnight thought to rub it all off and start playing more🤓

 â€” Late Night Thoughts.


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